Sunday, September 28, 2008

Info regarding the iCal functions


Some parents have contacted me regarding the use of the iCal feature. It is the icon (picture) on the parent page on the far right. The iCal was created for MAC users since this was an Apple product for many years. It will not work with PCs and many MAC users have a problem based on which operating system is used. Our teachers do not focus on this piece which is why I do not discuss it during the orientations.

So how do you know when the teacher has posted homework? Teachers will either created a paragraph with daily homework information or list the assignment with the due date in the assignments section of each subject. In order to reach either of the above you just click on the number grade for the subject area you are interested in viewing. I know you will have to click on several classes. Hopefully Pearson will make changes in the future to expedite your viewing homework.


Anonymous said...


Thought you would want to know that PowerSchool's My Calendars operates in conjunction with iCalendar, a standard for calendar data exchange, and is not limited to just Macs. To use the Subscribe links with a PC, use the Windows Calendar application included in Windows Vista. If you are not running Windows Vista you can use one of the following programs which support the iCalendar standard: Microsoft Outlook 2007, Mozilla Sunbird, or Google Calendar. If you use the Mozilla Thunderbird email client you can add iCalendar support with Mozilla's Lightning project.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information. However, since most parents do not understand how to use this program we do not support it or endorse it. There are many school districts who do use it and have many problems with it. Therefore, if anyone reading your post wants to try and use iCal they are welcome to do so, however, the diocese can not provide assistance if it is not working.

Dr. Ellis